Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I cannot believe the calendar just flipped to September.  It feels like fall, too.  I need to start running outside before it starts to snow next week. 

Trying another spinning instructor at the Y tomorrow.  I am finding the need to try out every last one of them before I spring for another gym pass at SpinCity.  Although that is where the spinning prince lives.  But not having kissed all the frogs yet, I am not willing to admit inexpensive-all-inclusive-family-membership spinning class defeat just yet.   If not one of them has turned into a prince by the end of this month,  I will be visiting SpinCity again. 

School starts next week. Which means homework starts next week.   And track. And dance. Which means I can kiss my evenings good-bye.   And become very familiar with my alarm clock because to keep training it is going be be ringing my tired *ss out of bed every morning at 5am from now on.  

Next week I am visiting here Nutrition Factory to get some ideas on eating for training health as opposed to eating for weight loss.  Hopefully there will be some good advice on what to eat, when to eat it and how to break past 5 pounds.  Apparently my physician thought that was a more balanced approach than the Flat Belly Diet.

Go figure.

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